CategoryYTF Quotes & Memes

Find all of the original Xavier Asante quotes and memes at Your Thinking Friend.

Don Lemon called Kanye a Sambo


So now I know why Don Lemon called Kanye a Sambo…

Because in front of President Trump Kanye asked for:

Prison Reform
More mental health institutions
No more stop and frisk
Better educational programs
Bring factory jobs to America and put them in Chicago
And free Larry Hover

Meanwhile Jay-Z asked Obama, “How you deal with them haters?”

That is why Don Lemon called Kanye a Sambo.

Guess Which President Obama Trump Bush Clinton


Guess Which President Obama Trump Bush Clinton: Oversaw the largest incarceration of black males in the history of the World. Was found guilty by “Crimes Against Humanity” of genocidal abstinence-only policies resulting from Hurricane Katrina. Slashed HBCU funding by 73 million during his first 100 days in office while increasing funding for Hispanics by 8 million. Is a confirmed...

Being a woke black man

Being a woke black man

So the sheeple think that being a “woke black man” deserves air quotes? Beware thinking people! The mass media is getting out in front of the awakening. TV, Movies, Newspapers and Social Media are downloading “Woke” into the minds of the herd as a way to dismiss thinking people. It’s the new buzz word for conspiracy theorist, Truther, Prepper or some other...

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